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10 Things That Need To Happen To Stop Shootings In Nightclubs That Cater To YOUNG PEOPLE!

10 Things That Need To Happen To Stop Shootings In Nightclubs That Cater To YOUNG PEOPLE!

I have been working in Nightclubs since I was 16 years old.  My cousin taught me how to DJ at an early age and I rocked my first party in my teens!  With that, I have seen my share of violence inside and outside of nightclubs.  Most of the time it's due to mismanagement of the situation and/or the operation of the club.

But to say the building/nightclub is responsible is like saying a headache causes death.  No...the cancer causes the headache...and it's the cancer that causes death.

If you want to get rid of violence in nightclubs that cater to YOUNG people, you have to START with a few thing:(let me preface this by saying this is not a comprehensive list, but just a few items that will get you going in the right direction)


1)  Check/Frisk EVERYONE!  I don't care how long it makes the line!  Either you get checked or you go home...PERIOD! Each entry point must have a WAND screener as well and arrest EVERYONE that attempts to bring a gun in the club and force "11 - 29" on each offender in court - NO Exceptions.  Don't just send them off the property with a pat on the wrist!  LOCK THEIR ASSES UP on the first attempt!


2)  Invest in an "Airport Style" security screen gate.  Everyone walks under it.  If you are caught trying to go around it, you are escorted off the property and banned indefinitely.


3)  Upon hiring a security/enforcement person, have them sign a document informing them that if they are found to have allowed/cooperated with someone to get a gun into the club, they will be CHARGED as an accessory and that they will give police ALL of their personal information!


4)  1 security guard per 30 people.


5)  Also have a talk with your DJ.  If you play murder-murder, get money, what you looking at Ni**a, I'll kick your A$$ music all night long.  What do you think is gonna happen????  The DJ controls the temperament of the nightclub and needs to be entertaining as well as responsible.


6)  Create ZONES inside the club (at least 10) and have them managed "in teams" by security.  Lock Down the Building.

7)  Create a Zero Tolerance Policy on your rules.  Don't bend them because someone is a "Baller and spends lots of cash".  Put them out!  Them breaking your simple rules is a precursor to violent behavior.


8)  Post offenders pictures on the front door area or the Bathroom.  When you arrest someone, take their picture and post them on the "Wall of Shame".  Thugs hate to be embarrased!


9)  Post signs all around the entry points that "You will be arrested" and charged with criminal trespassing for violating club "security measures".  Trust me, once you arrest a few people and have them do the "Perp Walk" from your facility, it will curb the BS behavior.


10) Secure the building & Make Things Safe - Then get the money!  When you are focused on making money it hinders you from making the "Right Call".  


Every nightclub that caters to a YOUNG CROWD should at a minimum make these kinds of adjustments to your operation.  Doing these things will curb the nonsense...and possibly save a LIFE!

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Comment by Kenny Smoov on October 11, 2011 at 2:24pm

@Carolyn/Aframe/Lisa P. - Since I DJ at Cirok on Fridays, I can speak to this a little.  It's a case of the "Tail Wagging The Dog".  Happy Hour ends at 8pm and I try my best to keep the crowd appeased with Old School until it's time to turn it up a little.  I want all 3 of you to come watch from where I stand.  If I kept playing FLASHLIGHT until 10pm, you'd really see "upheaval" from the audience. 


I will do a better job of searching for Cleaner Version of the songs or Edit them myself, but when you look around the club is jamming.  I want to get it right for you guys too so it's important that I hear your complaints AND wishes!  (Can we start an Advisory 3 are the first members!)


What do you envision when you come out?  How long do you want things to stay old school? 

Comment by Ron Wynn on October 11, 2011 at 2:03pm
I fully agree with almost all these suggestions, but would add one note. You also need to have either on staff or site (or both) someone fully knowledgeable in regards to current gun legislation and have the club firearm policy posted all over the place where it can be easily seen, read and understand. Personally I would NOT allow any firearms in any club, but lots of states have made rulings and passed laws that allow people to legally carry firearms into restaurants and/or clubs if they have permits.
Comment by Carolyn Crenshaw on October 11, 2011 at 12:27pm
Club Cirok on Fridays suppose to be for the grown and sexy however, now round 9 o clock the music seen to cater to the young with all that rap and look at my d??k!  Really??  I am a mature lady and I definately don't want to hear any music calling woman bitches or talking about penis size.  That is definately low class!!  I am beginning to wonder where is the grown folks happy hour!!! Two weeks ago I seen girls who look to be 18 dancing all stank on the floor!  Guys pull your pants up!!! 
Comment by AFrame on October 11, 2011 at 8:29am
@Linda..I knew that was going to happen eventually. That's why I haven't come to Cirok yet. They advertise Old School music and then when you get there, they end up catering to the young crowd and playing all that ignorant music.
Comment by rmcm461329 on October 11, 2011 at 6:21am
You have some good points. But these clubs are not willing to pay for the overhead that you have suggested. When they are in jeopardy of losing their license to serve alcohol then will the attention be giving to security. The first thing any owner will tell you is if they lose that license to sell alcohol they might as well shut the door. Because getting that license back will be like a act from god! It's that crucial.
Comment by Lisa M Pendergrass on October 10, 2011 at 7:54pm
Even the old school happy hour @ Cirok crowd need to
Be searched. They have way too many young people coming in just for $.92 cents the dj's need keep playing old school music from 5 to 10 if that's the time for old school. we don't want hear suck da p_ _ _ _y for pork chop and theirs some hoes in this house during happy hour.
Comment by AFrame on October 10, 2011 at 3:45pm
If these rules are implemented, we will probably see that for every thug the club rejects at the door, there will be another patron like myself that will come out. There are probably more people staying at home waiting on a safe place to go and kick it than there are ignorant fools actually standing at the door trying to get in these clubs.
Comment by Muriel Bean Agnew on October 10, 2011 at 2:33pm

You are so right. Everyone going to a Titans game is patted down, why would going to a club be any different. There is no reason young adults should not be able to club, but club owners must take the responsiblity for making it safe. If they can't afford it, enough security then they should get out of the business because there's always gonna be some fool with gun and too much alcohol.  

Comment by Demeka "Nicety" on October 10, 2011 at 2:18pm

I totally agree. Even if you know the person and they are a regular or a baller everybody needs to get searched. You know violence and shootings hurts the bottom line so I think there will be measures taken to try to prevent this event from happening again but to what extent those measures will be remains to be seen. I know whn I was younger my firends and I learned to dance on stage and speakers not to be seen but to stay out of the general crowd in case something does pop off. And if I feel the crowd is too young/thugish/rowdy for me I leave. This now means that every club has had a shooting. It is really sad. I enjoy going out, dancing and listening to the music but there is always a thought in the back of my head that some fool is gonna show up.

Comment by Cedric Hudson on October 10, 2011 at 2:13pm
My brother I feel your intentions are well, yet as a licensed armed security guard who has worked in numerous clubs around the country. I would like to suggest the club security guards learn how to establish a rapport with the patrons and not be afraid to visually profile certain patrons. I say this because it helped me tremendously in preventing violent acts created by not only young people but racists ones as well. Security is a major reflection of clubs and club owners. It is my experience that doing so is what helps the clubs have repeat customers and a very enjoyable environment for the patrons, security, DJ and club owners at the end of each event. Keep doing your thang for our great city and the people of the Ville. Peace

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