Kenny Online.NET

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Lady Justice Seems To Sneak-A-Peek Out At "Some People"

This is what lady justice looks like to most of us.  She has a hole in her veil and sees you and judges you based on "pre-conceived" notions and uses that to prosecute and convict you.


Here are a few cases that justify me saying this:

Racquel Nelson's son was hit and killed by a man with two previous Hit and Run convictions.  However, Racquel was arrested and convicted of Jaywalking and vehicular homicide in the death of your OWN SON!  So the next time you have your hands filled with kids and bags and you shortcut across the street and your kid is hit.  You go to jail???


What about the case of Kelley Williams-Bolar of Akron, Ohio.  She registered her kids to a school outside of her district.  Consequently, she was arrested, finger printed, and convicted of felony fraud!   She didn't shoot anyone, sell a brick of cocaine, or anything malicious.  She was simply trying to get her kids to go to a better school.  Unfortunately, her kids couldn't score a touchdown or make a 3 she went to the PEN!


The crazy thing about both of these cases is that after a lot of fuss and media coverage, convictions on both cases were lessened (neither was dismissed).  Now imagine if either one of these women had actually brought harm to their children???  If they will lock these black women up and convict them for Jaywalking and Registering a child in the wrong school district.  Imagine if they would have found their child's hair and DNA in the trunk of their car OR if either admitted to smothering a kid to death..??


The Lady of Justice would take that sword and _______________!!!! (You Fill In the Blank)





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Comment by Daniel Marshall on September 23, 2011 at 8:14am
I share the outrage of many regarding the justice system, the Troy Davis case, etc..  However, if you are reading this and you have found a way to get out of jury duty, STOP BEING OUTRAGED.  People like you make it difficult for criminal defense lawyers to obtain the justice our clients deserve.
Comment by Darlene D. Pope on September 22, 2011 at 2:31pm
You are right on point, Kenny! Thanks for providing the comparisons because there are many we can reference that have just occurred in this decade!!! We cannot let this momentum die...we have to continue to fight for Troy's justice such that this country will not have the opportunity to legally murder our children, brothers, sisters, mothers & fathers!!! We've got to get out & vote & encourage and/or assist others in getting registered to vote.

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