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Focused On Urban Issues, Nightlife, & Kenny Smoov

Kenny Smoov's Comments

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At 10:23am on August 18, 2017, Vellincia Middleton said…

KENNNNNAYYYYY!!!! THANK YOU!! You have made my day!! Now to get my boss to let me off early to get those tickets and get ready. :)

At 12:07pm on August 16, 2017, Kenisha said…

Thank you!!!

At 6:44am on August 13, 2015, Erin Dailey said…
Can I pick up my K Michelle tickets on Saturday? If not what's the latest I can pick them up during the week.
At 2:53am on October 10, 2014, Kimberly Abernathy said…
Kenny Smoov...I haven't won a thing from would be an honor to sit in the same room with one of my favorite performers!!!!! Can you please hook me up???
I I can't ALWAYS listen to your broadcast. But, trust my station stays glued on 92Q!!!!
So, this would be a wonderful birthday gift for this Beautiful Sagittarius!!!!
At 8:49pm on June 11, 2014, Gerryline Walton-Miller said…

Thank you

At 6:14pm on March 3, 2014, Kenny Smoov said…
Jacketa, Gina, Kelly...I appreciate you guys so much.
At 3:06pm on February 28, 2014, Kelly said…

You just brightened my day! You have no idea....thank you SO much Kenny!!!

At 1:48pm on February 25, 2014, Gina Marie said…
Hahahahahaha! Thank you sooooo much!!!
At 7:15pm on February 22, 2014, Jacketa said…
Thanks for MY Birthday Bash at the Wknd!!
At 10:14am on February 11, 2014, Jacketa said…
Thank You sooo much!!!
At 1:46pm on February 3, 2014, anita francine lewis said…
Please help me win some. Tickets! For my birthday. Just passed. 1-23-64
At 5:59pm on January 31, 2014, LaToya Clark said…
Thank u thank u!!!!
At 3:28pm on November 26, 2013, Vellincia Middleton said…
I am in need of those tickets to see Kendrick Lamar....please let me somehow someway win those tickets! ❤️❤️
At 4:25pm on October 23, 2013, Oracle Bey said…
Awwwwwww I wanna win some tickets to Yeezy & Kendrick... <3 <3 <3 @TDJones What do I needa do Mr. Smoov? I just moved to Nashville, show a sista some Love :-)
At 1:11pm on October 23, 2013, TDJones said…

KENNNYYYYYYYY YOU JUST MADE MY YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! XOXO!!!  Kenye West and Kendrick!!!! Yessssssssssssssssssssssss

At 4:06pm on September 7, 2013, Tarianna McKissack said…
Pick me kenny i need this night out
At 12:05pm on August 19, 2013, Irene Williams said…
I'm the same person that wanted that crash you car mix CD. You did not give me that information. I'm also trying to win the ojay's tickets.
At 8:22am on August 16, 2013, Sovann Chan said…
Pick pick pick me please. Thanks in advance! :-)
At 12:14pm on August 6, 2013, LAdiamond said…

“Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions, Smokey.” WIN...WIN...CHRIS TUCKER TICKETS

At 8:40pm on July 14, 2013, Juju Williams said…

Hey Kenny! I walked right past you last night but I was still in a daze from Beyonce that I didn't realize it was you until too late lol. But I wanted to thank you soooooo much for the tickets and the opportunity! I had the greatest time at the concert!

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