Kenny Online.NET

Focused On Urban Issues, Nightlife, & Kenny Smoov

Many may be offended by what I say. By no means is this intended to hurt or offend anyone.

It strikes me as being odd when the people of America said they wanted CHANGE. The change that President Obama is trying to develop would help our society for generations to come. It's very sad to me that there are so many forces at work trying to prevent the progress of our society. Our children are our FUTURE, and it does take a village to raise one child. So what better way by having a national leader as our President, personally send them a message that can let them know that you create your destiny. If you dream it you can be it!! Did any of the naysayers stop to think that we need to build a stronger foundation for our tomorrow and that starts within the home of America's families. If our youth are not strong in values, faith, self-esteem. How can our future as a Society be?
These children are our future leaders, politicians, doctors and policy makers. We will grow old and then who will take care of the elderly for all their past efforts.
With as many young men in prison,dead or on the corners street hustling. Or the teen mothers whose children are teen mothers and their grandmothers are 30 years old, a Repeated cycle of a societies babies raising babies epidemic. I am truly and dearly afraid of what the future holds, if we do not stop the systematic and commercialized thinking of our youth.
Our position is to build a stronger society, not stronger ghetto's or trailer parks or false dreams.
Who will then lead us to believe that we are all equal, and have the right to have an abundant and prosperous life. Who will teach the values of hard work and dedication? Who will teach that to progress you have to struggle? Or that you do not value what you get for free.
Who will teach them not to judge by looking down on the next person, because there struggle has been a little harder. Whose going to teach our young women to love themselves enough not to let anyone use them and to love themselves as their temple and not to sale their bodies for video's or sex. What happened to the compassion to love? Isn't that what life is about to love( LIFE: Love-Is For-Ever)!
I hope that one day we can all be happy with in ourselves and stopping blaming others for our own choices. We all have the free will to choose right or wrong, hate or love. My question, Will we ever reach the inner peace within ourselves so that we can have global peace? Or will we continue to teach our children to hate, to judge to ridicule, because all there behaviors are learned. Society, Don't put off tomorrow what we can do TODAY!!!

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Comment by A Davis on September 8, 2009 at 3:30pm

Focused on the Urban Lifestyle, Nightlife, and Issues in Nashville for Adults of "All Ages". We keep you connected!

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