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Stop Kony 2012! Find Out MORE on the Atrocities in Uganda

Over the past week or so the Stop Kony Movement has gone viral.  If you don't know who Joesph Kony is, I suggest you GOOGLE his name.  He is a really EVIL MAN!!


Here are 6 things you need to know about Joseph Kony and the Stop Kony Movement:


6. Kony is one of the world’s worst war criminals and the campaign is intended to make him famous — not to celebrate him — but to raise support for his arrest and to set a precedent for international justice.


5. In the past 20 years, at least 30,000 children have been abducted and used as sex slaves and child combatants in Uganda and Kony is responsible for spearheading the brutal kidnapping and brainwashing of the children.


4. Kony is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), which he founded in 1987, and he calls himself a prophet who claims to speak the word of God, prompting his followers to obey his every command and justify horrific acts such as the abductions and murder of children.


3. Joseph Kony, 50, was born in Uganda and is thought to have at least 42 children and more than 60 wives.


2. In May 2010 President Barack Obama signed into law the Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act in an effort to stop Kony and the LRA. By October Obama authorized the deployment of 100 U.S. troops to central Africa with a goal of removing Kony and LRA leaders from the field.


1. Jason Russell of Invisible Children began the campaign after he and his friends met a young child soldier while on a trip to Uganda and they made a promise to him that they would help him and others like him, to hide from the rebels. The group named the children 'invisible' because if it had happened to one child in America there would be an uproar, but it has been happening to children in Uganda daily for nearly 30 years.




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