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Ladies, before you get your panties in a bunch, I promise this isn’t really directed toward you. I’m actually talking to the men.

Men, something we’re all aware of…women talk.


Amongst the things women tend to discuss is sex

A chief complaint I hear from women who are/were in relationships, with respect to sex, is that it isn’t as fulfilling as they’d like it to be.  Now, I’m of the mind that sex isn’t terribly difficult. It can actually be summed in 3 simple steps.

1.Get an erection.
2.Sheath your erection.
3.Hold your breath, pump for 5 minutes and *splash*
I was puzzled as to how so many women in relationships went without good sex until I had a conversation with a close homie of mine.

We were discussing his philandering with other women.  I was trying to make sense of it.  He told me all the nasty, dirty, disgusting, (read: totally fucking awesome) things his side chicks were willing to do during sex and it got me wondering…

Homie: Yeah, so she took the whole joint in her face, then licked her fingers and smiled.

My face during this entire conversation.
Me: You need to pass me her number…but I don’t get it. If you got a girl, why don’t you just get her to do it?

Homie: Nah son. That’s wifey.

Me: I know…so she not going? (Chicago slang. Going = her being willing)

Homie: Nigga, I’m not finna pop my wifey like she a jump-off.

Me: I’m confused. Are you saying you DON’T want your girl to do that?

Homie: No. She got the title bruh, you don’t let wifey do stuff like that.

Me: That’s the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever heard in my life.

I’m not an expert but I do know if a woman likes you there’s very little she won’t do for you sexually.  A good deal of the female population tend to wait until they get in a relationship so they can do shit that would get you arrested in most states.

Part of the reason why SOME women seek the security of relationships (and this is just a wild guess) is so they can have sex without being labeled.  Relationship sex means anything you do with that person gets you a “get out of judgment free” card.

Simply stated, any vile, disgusting, sexually deviant act can simply be precluded with “that was my man though.”  Using those magic words to preface whatever sexual atrocity you just committed will be met with “that’s right girl you gotta do what you gotta do for your man” as opposed “damn, you’se a dirty ass slut.”

Men are cheating on their women for new sexual experiences when they have a personal “you can do whatever you want to me” girlfriend sitting at home. This is beyond confusing to me. For whatever reason, some men, for lack of a better phrase, keep putting the pussy on a pedestal.

Yeah she’s your wifey, but she also wants to be smanged like a jump-off. She WANTS you to choke her. She WANTS you to call her dirty names. She WANTS you to smack her on the ass and pull her hair.  She WANTS to you push her up against the wall like the French guy did to that white woman in Unfaithful and hit it in the restaurant while she’s with her friends at lunch.

Bad sex leads to cheating. See?
The fact that you’re NOT doing that…is basically a violation of your boyfriend duties.  Don’t rob your girl of that son. Smut her out. She’ll thank you for it.

And in case you think I’m lying, I’ve done the research (on Twitter, where else?) and women have confirmed everything I just typed.  One woman even said to me “respect me? During sex? I want to be fucked. Not respected.”

I’m not really sure where men got the idea that women weren’t trying to get pile-driven into oblivion while in a relationship, but you guys are out here losing. You thinking it’s all good and she’s like “yeah!” to your face…and really thinking about how Jerome piped her down decent the previous night much she loves you.

Y’all just gotta do better.

But I want to hear from you.

Men, if you don’t like to participate in these type of actions with your woman hit the comment box and let me know why.

Ladies, if you have any personal stories you’d like to share, that are related to this topic in any way, I’d encourage you to share them as well.

Each one, teach one. I just want everybody to get laid.




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