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$250,000 puptials are a doggone fancy affair


The most expensive pet wedding in history went off without a hitch Thursday night.

Baby Hope Diamond, a teacup-sized Coton de Tulear, took tie-dyed poodle Chilly Pasternak's paw in holy muttrimony at a black-tie gala held in the Jumeirah Essex House on Thursday.

"I am just beyond happy," said Wendy Diamond, Baby Hope's owner, who threw the over-the-top $250,000 puptials to raise money and awareness for the Humane Society of New York. "It was perfect, and these dogs are so sweet. It's a perfect match

Animal-loving vendors donated their services to the four-legged fundraiser. Floralia Decorators draped the Essex House's Grand Salon in almost $30,000 worth of fuschia orchids. James Chung rolled some $5,000 worth of sushi.

"I am happy to announce that this is the most expensive pet wedding in history," said Sara Wilcox, the Guinness World Records adjudicator.

The previous record was set in 1996, when two cats in Thailand tied the knot with a $16,241 ceremony.

Hotel guests gawked at the pedigreed pups and well-heeled humans overrunning the lobby before the service.

"This is so funny. My brother is tweeting about it," said Madawi Albassam, 20, visiting from Saudi Arabia. "It's so cute!"




Some dogs came to the wedding in hats.

"If these two dogs could talk, they would look around this room and what everyone has done for them ... And they would say, this is insane! Seriously? We're DOGS! You people are cuckoo," he said, before launching into the vows.

"Baby Hope, do you take this pooch to love, not spend the night with, and advocate for animal welfare as long as you both shall live? If so, breathe heavily."

"And do you Chilly take this purse jockey to be your wife? Katie Holmes is back on the market, and I don't think it would be any weirder than her first marriage! If so, sweat through your tongue."

"I now pronounce you dog and bitch."



Human and canine guests at the wedding.

"Welcome to the family!" crowed Lori Pasternak, the groom's owner, who confessed the hound had a bachelor party the night before featuring plenty of babes and bacon. "I was just laughing through the whole ceremony. It was so funny."

TLC's reality show "Cake Boss," based out of Hoboken, presented a white five-tiered wedding cake complete with a model bisou frise on top and sugar orchids on the side.

Some 250 guests attended with 50 pups in tow, many decked in canine couture from designer Anthony Rufio.

Don't expect any puppies to come from this union, however - the bride and groom have been spayed and neutered.

"They're committing to raising awareness for homeless animals do that we can stop unwanted pets from euthanized," Diamond said.

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